Mark Thissen

I am an Economist working on different academic fields focused on economic models explaing regional economic development. My specialisation is on regional Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) and Input-Output modelling. Recently I worked on regional compettitiveness and Smart Specialisation in the context of regional revealed competition: The actual observed competition of firms from different regions. We work with detailed information on regional trade connected to logistic systems and transport of goods to obtain insights on revealed regional competition. Explaining the dynamics of revealed competition is nothing else than explaing regional economic growth; the central theme of my research.

The artworks used as a background on these pages have been made by Diana Thissen.

Recent projects

  • Monroe: The influence of innovation on regional economic growth
  • Winners and Losers in regional competition
  • Clair city: individual economic behaviour air quality
  • Regional Trade in Europe
  • Regional Economic Effect of Floods in Europe